Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Plea Bargaining is a go-to for a Lazy Attorney

More from the brief:

"Two specific cases involved in this court are both suspicious and questionable in their allegations because of their previous involvement with this Court in the past.
In March of 2014, CacheValleyDaily.Com reported that Cody Smith was booked into the Cache County Jail Tuesday afternoon. He's being held on two counts of rape of a child, three counts of rape, one count of object rape, one count of forcible sexual abuse and three counts of aggravated assault. In January of 2015 the Deseret News reported that Smith pled no contest to forcing a teenage girl to have sex with others. In this most bizarre situation, Smith is actually accused of forcing his own daughter, who is entangled in a custody matter, to have sex with other teenage boys. Prosecutor Barbara Lachmar said the credit goes to Smith's attorney, Susanne Gustin, who continued to work with her client and asked the County Attorney's Office to consider a settlement in the case. Gustin said she made one last effort to see if Smith wanted to continue with the trial, and Smith ultimately decided to accept the plea deal offered to him. "He felt it was the best thing for himself, and he didn't necessarily want to put [the remaining victims] on the stand," Gustin saicl. Once again, the case is settled by the preferred method of choice - Plea Bargaining!
One day prior to a Letter from the State of Utah Board of Pardons & Parole is written to Jeena
Nilson about applying for a Pardon, Jeena is arrested on six dubious Sex Offender Registration Violations. During her arrest she was brutally assaulted, in front of three of her grandchildren, with the arresting officers failing to read her Miranda Rights. To date there continues to be legal wranglings hoping to force Nilson in to accepting another plea bargain over the dubious charges. There are also voluminous records, which have been sent to the Attorney General of the State of Utah, to show a deliberate and orchestrated attempt to defame, injure and destroy Nilson, her family, and the business belonging to her children.
It is rumored that the special funding afforded through Rape and Sexual Assault: A Renewed Call To Action - The White House Council on Women and Girls dated January 2014 has resulted in a special fund to compensate Prosecutors, Judges, the Court and Public Defenders who arrange plea bargain agreements in sexual offence cases. While proof of the rumor has not been verified, the suggestion should cause serious alarm and a reasonable man would suggest, " Where there is Smoke, there is fire!"

Plea Bargaining, just the right answer for attorneys who don't actually want to do any work, and just want to keep raking in money!  Whether it's attorneys like our previous two ($15,000 and nothing but "you better plead") or Prosecutors like the one who has known about this case for 8 MONTHS and still doesn't even know the charges, it seems like the answer to not wanting to do any work (and get a nice Federal handout as well!) is to plea bargain.  Lazy, shoddy, dirty.

More to come…
Please help us fight this corrupt system with the help of our new attorney--Thanks very much!

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